Saturday, March 14, 2009

Review of Everlost by Neil Shusterman

Everlost by Neil Shusterman.

My initial reaction to this novel was, "Wow. That was weird." Not deviantly so, but thought-provoking and humorous. Shusterman's vision of the after-life is certainly unique, to say the least. Everlost is a place in between life and death where the souls of children (none older than 17) are trapped due to clumsiness on the way towards "the light" so many people talk about in near-death experiences. In addition to the souls of children, Everlost is filled with "dead places", vehicles, buildings, spots of ground, and other such locations, that pass into eternity because of a special affective association between the people and the places. For example, the towers of the World Trade Center and the infamous Flying Dutchman both exist eternally in Everlost.

is not the masterpiece that Unwind is, but it is well-written and interesting. I would suggest this as part of an author study on Shusterman or as an independent reading or lit circles choice.

Classroom Applications

Everlost would be appropriate and interesting for students in grades 6-12, and could even work well for advanced readers in grades 4 and 5. I am always concerned with the emotional readiness of younger advanced readers, and don't like to suggest high school level books for elementary students for that reason. However, Everlost's themes and topics are universal and accessible for anyone.

Themes/Topics: friendship, love, the origin and nature of monsters, the duplicity of heroes, the beginnings of myths, conquering fear

Extension Questions

1) Mary acts as a foil or contrast for many other characters. How do the other character's relationships to or with Mary define them?
2) Shusterman gives many specific examples of "dead" spaces and things that were so loved in life, they continued to exist in Everlost after they stopped exisiting in the "real" world. What other things from the past do you think exist in Everlost?
3) Is the McGill really a monster? Explain.
4) A film version of Everlost is in production. Who do you think should play each character? Why?

5) Do you agree with this review that Everlost was "weird"? Explain.

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